Twenty Ways You Can Make the School Year Better for your Child 

For kids, few words are as disheartening as “back to school”. Those three syllables signal the end of summer days and the ushering in of early mornings on the bus, nagging teachers, and homework. Combine the dread of going back to school with the emotional stress of a recent divorce, and you have the perfect recipe for slipping grades, detentions, and depression.

While you cannot undo your divorce, you can work with your ex to make the school year better for your child. Below are 20 tips on how to improve school for your kids:

  1. Meet your child’s teachers
  2. Get to know other parents
  3. Ask your child how their day was
  4. Ask your child to show you their homework
  5. Apply for special services if your child needs them
  6. Seek a tutor for your child if he/she needs it
  7. Help your child study for tests and exams
  8. Help your child with research projects
  9. Encourage your child to try to new sports and extracurricular activities
  10. Encourage your child to learn a musical instrument or join glee
  11. Always have a positive attitude about learning, education, and school
  12. Keep an eye on your child’s TV, social media, tablet, and computer use
  13. Encourage your child to read new books
  14. Reward your child for doing well on tests and finishing homework on time
  15. Take your child to museums, libraries, and other places where active learning can take place
  16. Make a healthy and exciting lunch for your child
  17. Attend sporting events, art shows, science exhibits, and other activities that your child shows an interest in
  18. Ensure your child has adequate school supplies like notebooks, writing instruments, clothing, etc.
  19. Ensure that you and your ex are both actively involved in your child’s schooling
  20. Keep track of school events that your child might be interested in attending

At the start of a new school year, it is very easy for kids to fall into a negative “slump,” especially if their parents just divorced. However, as a parent, you can improve the school year for your child by remaining active and positive in their scholastic life.

Consult with a dedicated family law attorney in Baltimore

The Law Offices of Allyson B. Goldscher, LLC, provides experienced legal support to divorcing spouses in Maryland. Whether you need help filing for divorce or resolving a heated child custody battle, we are ready to provide you with passionate advocacy. To discuss your case with a knowledgeable divorce attorney today, call 410-602-9522 or contact us online.

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